Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Selected questions from yet another silly poll

I've skipped all of the sexual ones, a) I don't want to know b) trite and boring

2. In an ideal world where money is no object, what is your drink of choice, something that you have had before, but need not be ouchiholic?
Some orange-grapefruit concoction from the Wawona Hotel in Yosemite. That was great. So was the 1985 Ridge Montebello Zin. Usually I'm a cheap date and a Malibu sunrise or a Moscow Mule will do me.

4. Have you ever purchased new underwear instead of doing laundry.
Yes. See also: socks, t-shirts, button-down shirts.

5. What do you wear, if anything, when you sleep?
In December I discovered the joy of cotton PJs trimmed with satin in a lovely ginko pattern that makes me think of Pantalones every time I wear them. Lately Bedclothes = Today's school clothes minus pants. Sometimes bedclothes mysteriously end up in a heap on the floor next to the bed. I say mysteriously as I never recollect waking to wiggle out of them.

9. Do you have normal slippers or big fuzzy crazy ones?
Several pair of normal, one normal pair of fuzzy. Lately I covet Monty Python Killer Rabbit slippers. Alas, they are white, and thus impractical.

13. Roman gods or Greek Gods?
Uhm, trick question, right? But speaking of ancient religions Wikipedia has a fascinating set of articles on ancient Russian dieties. American Gods anyone?

14. Jessica Rabbit or Lara Croft?
Jessica Rabbit.

15. Single Favorite Food Item.. (no multiple answers)
Well Salted White Cheddar Macaroni & Cheese from Trader Joes

20. What would YOU do with a flying monkey if you had one?
Lease it to trade show booths. Train it to feed my parking meters. Perhaps I'll train it to clean the catbox, but only if it doesn't fling the poo inside the house. The neighbor's yappy dogs and the Orange Hummer3 that blocks people's driveways around here might be okay as targets though.

23. How will you celebrate March 14th?
I'll mail a piece of cherry pie to Denver. I might have a steak as well. Or perhaps a Guinness.


MLE said...

Mmmm...I like pie.

Want pie now!

(how cool is it to have the same birthday as Albert Einstein, and also Pi day?)(Steak and BJ day, not so good. I just can't make myself eat cowflesh.)

Also, I remember the days of Living with QIR when what you wore to sleep was nothing.

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