Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The mold on the food in the Tupperware has mold growing on it. My vegetable drawer has been redubbed the "sloshing morass of plastic bags and squishy bits that once were edible" drawer. Did you know cured bacon could go bad? I didn't, actually, I did. There are eggs in the refrigerator that have a use-by date from last year. I know for a fact that eggs so old aren't rotten; they're completely desiccated. Crack them open and they won't smell, but there will be a weird gummy substance inside. Still gross. The cheese in the charcuterie drawer is mostly okay. On the shelf under the drawer there is a baggie with something that is either corn tortillas or Methusela's Boy Scout journals, but I can't tell which.

Happily, condiments usually survive a single lifetime, except for the organic preserves. Those have fuzzy polkadots too. I have 5 kinds of mustard, 4 kinds of oil, 3 kinds of honey, 2 kinds of broth base, or perhaps it's 2 kinds of nut butters, or maybe it's two tubes of anchovy paste or maybe it's one tube of anchovy and one tube of double strength tomato paste. I know I have a special chipotle BBQ sauce for roasted partridge; and I have marionberry-blueberry sauce for the pears.

On the upside, green beans may be eaten directly from the freezer, no defrosting required. This is not true for potstickers or hotdogs (don't ask).

Gah, what's an uninspired, poverty-stricken, picky eater to do?

I know... what do YOU eat when you're run down past your ability to feed yourself?

Bonus points for food that is salty, oily or both. Tart is good, tangy is not.
Demerits for blue cheese, mushrooms, soy-anything, ulcer-irritating spiciness (heat), or curdled milk containing.

I realize I'm sporting bovine proportions, but God's honest truth. I'm starving.

1 comment:

Yank In Texas said...

I throw stuff into a pan and bake. Did a Nigella recipe- lemon, worcestershire, mustard and onion, squish in a bad, add pepper, add chicken and marinate. Or not as I did. Also add olive oil. Throw in some sausage and taters when marinated (or not) and bake at 425 for about an hour. Yummy with tartness and all that. Of course it requires some sort of food that is not growing other stuff
(And bad bacon is really bad. I've cooked it before and it's really funky. All by accident.)