Monday, October 25, 2004

Faking it.

This morning at the bus stop, I lied. I lied like a persian rug, without the nice color coordination. A latino man asked me if I speak spanish. Fact, I have an overwhelmingly gringo appearance, there is no basis for assuming I speak spanish and most usually assume that I don't. Fact, I understand spanish quite well, revert to spanish with ease when intoxicated, and can generally fumble about while sober, getting better the longer I go. Fact, there was a time I spoke spanish better than I spoke english.

Despite all this, I denied all knowledge of the topic, not just once, but several times in succession. Why? I just don't like being chatted up by folks at the bus stop. Particularly when the are nursing their first beer of the morning. I will do anything to not talk to them. This morning it was to deny my second language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog -qir. I was looking for information on spanish courses and came across your post Faking it. - not quite what I was looking for related to spanish courses but interesting all the same!