Monday, November 12, 2007

Sugar cravings will continue until morale increases

The serious mad-cow sugar cravings kicked in a few days ago. I guess you could call them semi-intentional. I maxxed out on Halloween candy last Thursday, and then threw the remains into the trash.

Since then I haven't much sugar, the refrigerator has been coming up on E for almost a week. There's a declining bin of assorted veggies (in a varied range of freshness). The deli drawer has a few shrinking bags of grated cheese, an unloved rind of brie and a few chunks of the housemate's cheddar. The milk is gone, so is the salami and the month old steak I wasn't brave enough to eat. The apples are gone. The door full of condiments is the only constant.

The empty fridge offers a good opportunity to keep going as is. The local produce mart offers pre-packed bags of vegetables past their prime. The bags are varied and inexpensive. A run to Costco for a family sized package of chicken isn't cheap but is economical.

I guess my own challenge is on... EatMoBettaMo, a 4-pronged challenge:

1) find appealing recipes for the veggies
2) actually make the food
3) actually eat the food
4) stick to guns on the sugar elimination.

Yeesh, I'm already having involved dreams starring ice cream on the sweet side and giant slices of cheese pizza or my mom's stuffing on the savory.

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