Monday, September 17, 2007

Catching up on my reading

It's taken me a while to catch up on my blog reading. Happily I have a short blogroll, but still. There are also news sites, online rags and other things which require my ocular waders.

Speaking of, I seem to require reading glasses in restaurants now, and worse, my loyal reading glasses have disappeared. Dammit!

On pulp I just finished Frank Beddor's Looking Glass Wars. It's a steampunk rehash of Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed pushing through it in the course of a day. It's not quite The Amber Spyglass, but it's enjoyable. I'm also pushing my way through The Blind Assassin () and Pattern Recognition by William Gibson. The Gibson book is interesting from a marketing-sales-IP law perspective. It's also set up as a sort of mystery, but I find that aspect less interesting than the ideas about viral marketing and product placement.

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