Monday, March 19, 2007

St. Shane

What's that scar on your forehead?

What's that scar on your forehead?

What happened to your forehead?

How'd you scrape your forehead.

* * * * * * sigh * * * * * *

St. Patrick's day rises to the same level of amateur night shennanigans as St. Valentines day, in my less than humble opinion. That makes my Harry Potter-esque visage all the more laughable.

I wasn't drinking.

I made the 70 mile trek to attend a St. Tiki Day bbq and party. Despite my green t-shirt, copper locks, freckles and slate colored eyes (me Irish Heritage, just call me Colleen) I think Luau/Tiki/Island is a much more enjoyable party theme. BBQ, not corned beef. Which tastes better a Mai Tai or Green Beer? Tiki Torches! Getting Lei'd. Yeah, I thought you'd see it that way.

Anyhow, see there was this fencepost. Or maybe it was a fence. I'd been squatting down to chat with people. And then I stood up. And, well, there might have been other factors too, but I never saw the fencepost. I just woke up -- on the ground, with a headache. I was instantly proclaimed not bleeding. Resume Party.

Once I got home I saw the goose egg, and the lightening bolt shaped scrape. Stupid really. I don't even have a good story, just a fence, or a fencepost, or something. I didn't even pull a proper Shane MacGowan.


MLE said...


*hugs*, gentle of course. I sowwy your heady bone got hurt.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

Poor thing. Gentle rubs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the huggles. The forehead is surprisingly painful, even two days after the fact.

At least I only fell over once. The hostess keeled over twice. But she was drinking booze and I was drinking diet coke.

Ah well.

EEK! said...

Och! Poor QIR. I bit pavement on Monday on my way back from work, flew out of my shoes, it was rainy and puddly and I got all kinds of wet, scraped hands and all. Sucky sucky.