Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Slithering back to healthiness

My classes yesterday were cancelled for reasons not entirely clear to me. Gave me another day to recuperate, which was nice. Still a bit nauseated. The head still aches a bit. I'm still trying to come up with a good story for the head scrape. "I stood up too fast" is just so lame, and no one seems to know who Shane MacGowan is, so that story isn't working without a long explanation.

In other news, I'm trying to get psyched up for the upcoming bar exam. For the first time in a year or so, I finally got excited by the fact that soon I get to put that annoying esq. after my name (which already pretentiously starts with a first initial of great mysteriousness). Also, I'll be able to call other attorneys counsellor, and they'll probably respond in like kind. Squeee.

In other, other news... I think I got some good karma but it's scaring me.
1) I picked up some electronics in city A, a city I go to often, and drove them 70 miles to city B. It was no big deal. I go both places regularly, and they weren't heavy stereo speakers the likes of which only Monkey could lift.

At the tiki bbq, the hosts (owners of said electronics) surprised me by telling me they'd arranged for a massage for me. Now granted, I'm way more laid back now that I pop xanax like breath mints, but still. A massage. That rocks. The right massage will reduce me to tears. Yay.

2) Also at the tiki bbq was a guy who works daily with the inhouse counsel of a well know web company. We were chatting about some basic property-inheritance issues and he kept offering to put me on retainer. I kept insisting that I haven't graduated and that I don't have a license, and that this was just casual conversation. Somehow he was impressed though and asked what areas of the law I liked. After I waxed rhapsodic about IP, he mentioned that he thought he could get me an informational interview at his company.

On the one hand, WOOTTTT!! On the other, I just feel so bad about how I've done in School, how I've failed to take any bull by the horns, much less a cow, or even veal on the hoof.

How the hell do I turn this into something good instead of something I just beat myself up about after messng it up royally?


Monkey McWearingChaps said...

You prep your response to the bad grades question. You are not there to high light the down side, you are there to high light the fact that you are an awesome attorney, a GREAT writer, that you have an interest in IP and you DESERVE to have have him pass on your resume and/or hire you right on the spot!!!!!

What the hell??? Stop worrying about the grades. And practice your response in the mirror. Steely my girl, once you act like you don't think it's that big a deal, they won't either.

So excited for you!!!

EEK! said...

Dang! Go QIR with the networking. You're a superstar!!!