Monday, March 05, 2007

Good advice Monday

A wooden nickel's worth of free hoo-hah, just because (Pantalones gave me something to refute)

If your one of the pertiest bras in your drawer gives it up because an underwire pokes through, do not give up hope! You have two choices:

1) Frugality AKA Yankee Pride

A) Fetch bra from trash can, reinsert underwire, align underwire properly.
B) Stuff a small square of "facing" into the hole, especially if hole is at one end of the tube the wire rests in. Facing = padding.
C) Sew the hole closed.
D) Reinforce the hole with liquid stich or whatever the hell that glue is called -gets off arse, goes to craft drawer, rummages around, reads label, comes back- FabricTac. Everyone should own a bottle of fabric tac. It's like hot glue with out the blisters, drips and hassle.

2) Consumerism, baby! You can afford it, and you're worth it!

A) Go to store that sells bras
B) Try on bras
C) When find bra you likey, bra you buyey

You can make an iPod look months newer with a gentle application of Brasso.
(bonus free hoo-ha) Do not get Brasso into Click wheel.

More to come, as valuable advice is recalled...

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