Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Open Valentine to all my Frenz.

<3 <3 <3

I don't hate Schmalentines Day, even though many feel pressured by all the marketing hoo-haa. Frankly, I think it gives a needed out for those who find the L word difficult to say, even to the most important people their lives. Some people need external stucture. A structure that promotes telling others they are cherished and cared for is a structure I can get behind. People need to hear that they are loved and appreciated. If celebrating this Hallmark Holiday makes that possible, then Yay is what I say. Plus, it's frigging WINTER. Half the nation is snowed in. Even Chambana U had a snow day. All that rosy pink and fresh flowers? Hello Spring, thank you for the gentle reminder that you are on the way.

So to you my dear friends who happen to be my readers: I luvs ya. Big time. My very existence has been pushed forward and up on the strength of my friendships. My sister is the Bane Of My existence (the BOM, if you will. snigger). My brother and parents are beloved but distant, and detached from my daily living. My friends are the glue that holds my life together, that make getting out of bed in the morning a worthwhile endeavor. I will tell you today, so that you know everyday that you are loved and appreciated.


Monkey McWearingChaps said...

You are loved and appreciated by ME you crazy redhead.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

and a lot of other people, too

MLE said...

I love you very very much.

*virtual affection*

So are you going to come out over break, or what? :D

-qir said...

aww. Y'know, you folks weren't the ones I was thinking had trouble with the L word. Y'all are great.

MLE - majic 8-ball sez outcome uncertain. Part of the problem = my newfound prescription drug problem sucked up way more ducats than I imagined it would.

EEK! said...
