Monday, February 12, 2007

It's so quiet my ears are ringing.

The small herd of bison that live upstairs are either napping or not home. The landlord is not running his table saw. The neighbor's dogs are not barking. Princess Tasha is flopped over on her back purring, but that's not precisely audible if your ear isn't pressed to her larynx. I'm really tempted to savor the silence and have a nap.

Today is the kind of day when I wish I hadn't switched to decaf. I'd probably feel less nappish if I'd had a full cup of regular java. Of course, if the glass carafe of my French press hadn't decided to part like the Red Sea I would have at least had a full cup of decaf. Pity I didn't know it was gonna give up the ghost last night, as we wandered the aisles of the world's largest Long's Drugstore. I could have had a replacement all ready to go. Alas. Yes, definitely nap time.

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