Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Today's Honeydew (to-do)list read something like this:

wash throw rugs
cycle laundry
rearrange room so that I have a useable desk and bookshelf area
buy vaccuum cleaner and drying rack
call old roommate
call new roommate
put away stained glass before I step on another sheet
prepare for camping trip
start burningman prep
take out trash and recycling
go grocery shopping
copy and fax DL to bank and health insurance
pick up pottery from pottery mart
go to Frys for cable lock and back pack

What was actually accomplished:

Shower, wash throw rugs, cycle laundry, e-mail new roommmate, tidy/clean kitchen (hey that wasn't on the list!) , tidy/clean bathroom (hey that wasn't on the list!) , shine shoes (hey that wasn't on the list!) -- notice a pattern forming here??

Other items accomplished which were similarly NOT ON THE LIST were shining a pair of shoes, throwing away old ugly loafers, cleaning the kitty box, repotting the plants on the deck, sweeping the deck, treating the hibiscus for thrips/aphids, fertilizing the gardenia and sweeping the spider webs off the deck furniture and my window screen, trimming the eucalyptus that was impeding my way, deadheading the roses, emptying out the trunk of my car, pulling out the proper camping tent, checking on the friend who spent a good part of last week in the hospital with atrial fibrillation, eating the last of the mint chip ice cream, petting the kitty and screwing around on the internet for hours.

Okay yeah, all that stuff was great, and I hope my plants are happier now, but...

I really need to buy my law books! I really need to go get a new backpack for my laptop! And a lock for it!

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