Monday, August 09, 2004

Continuing the bug meme

I've got ants in my pants. Tomorrow is the dry run to see how long it takes to work public transit in order to get to school by 9:00. Once on campus, I plan to hit the bookstore and compare the bookstore prices to the prices I've scarfed off and amazon and a few other discount booksellers I can think of. has been pretty accurate, much of the pricing is indeed half of the list of new. Additionally, most of these reselllers won't charge tax, which is helpful, I just need to do the math on the shipping. I hate math. If I weren't so bad at math, I'd probably have gone into science and we wouldn't be having this little discussion.

Anyhow, Death and Taxes heads to NY on Sunday. I'm really not feeling good about this. Sure, 9 months is just a drop in the bucket compared to three and a half years, but still. It's significant. Plus, he's been through this before, and he's my best antidote to nutsoitis. Wah! I want my partner! Did I mention I'm really not feeling good about this? Acutally, not feeling good is something of an understatement, hot gushing tears and Mount Vesuvius in my belly is a more accurate discription.

Theoretically in a week and a half I'll be too busy to notice, but I know enough about science to know that theory doesn't always pan out.


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