Sunday, March 30, 2008

Denouement - Wedding

The Very Important Wedding is over. Unlike the work event, I know exactly how it went off, in a word, beautifully.

Half an hour after leaving the office, I met with the RockStar Officiant at our usual meet-up bar, Vesuvio. Touristy, yes, but the place has history for me, so I go there. The bartender couldn't be bothered to make my extremely simple cocktail, so I quaffed my first (and possibly last) Sex on the Beach. It was a good thing Zipp paid, "thank you, Zipp," because waitstaff who give me attitude get 0% tips.

The Crash
It took over an hour, closer to an hour and a half to get out of San Francisco. I changed shoes and took a walk around the block to clear my head while the rockstar and her attendant took a quick disco nap. Thursday was not just the VIP Work Event, but also bachelor/bachelorette night for the lucky couple. Back at the house, I put my keys away in the freezer and sat on the couch. Leaning my skull against the wall, I realized an executive decision had to be made. I could attend the entirety of the Bachelorette night, or I could try a disco nap of my own with the hope of having enough energy for the following day. Hoping to make the best of it, I opted for the disco nap. Unfortunately, I slept through the alarm and didn't wake until my roommate slammed all the doors in the house at midnight.

Ramp-up take II
With group assistance I was up, packed and ready to leave in under an hour, just as MLE called to say she was coming for the dress. The Rockstar wanted to show her friend the glories of Northern California, so I went with MLE and Dan to help out, and to be present for the hemming of my dress as it had to be measured from the ground up with me in it, wearing intended shoes and foundation garments. We had several stops along the way, including one at Costco where I made sure that everyone ate at least one slice of pizza, not knowing whether any of us would eat again before the rehearsal dinner. Final errands were run, and at long last we were decorating the hall, arranging flowers, and finally, running through the ceremony.

Eventually, we made it down to the town where the rehearsal dinner was to be held, following the mother of the bride for several miles before realizing whose car we were behind. Nice to have the GPS made redundant I always feel. We all enjoyed a lovely dinner before heading back up, and completing even a few more things before bedtime.

The Festivities.
My memories of the big day are slim. The ceremony was sweet, but laced with meaning. The self-drafted vows were as heartfelt and unique as every other aspect of anything Dan and MLE have ever done. The cake was delicious. Alas, the double ramp-up for two highly charged, Very Important Events in the space of one week was more than I could shoulder. The first panic attack came while we were having our pictures taken out along a dock. After lunch, when the speakers were turned up the panic started rolling in on a fast tide. This was not a contingency I had planned for. All I could do was pull a full retreat into the closest bunk. I clawed most of the skin from the palms of my hands. I'm pretty sure the day was everything MLE and Dan had ever wanted, but perhaps others can report on the rest of the day.


Dan said...

Wow, must have been that same asshole bartender at Vesuvio later on that night - when told it was my bachelor party, his response was, "I don't have time to be creative, what do you want?" or something along those lines. I don't expect busy bartenders to be creative or to make elaborate concoctions, but a bartender worth his maragrita salt ought to have a standard shot to offer for various events and celebrations taking place at his bar. I obviously wasn't paying for the evening's festivities, but I doubt he got much of a tip when we departed to observe naked ladies.

As for the rest - I hope things have calmed down for you a bit and you're feeling better.

Thanks again for all the help and support you've provided throughout the process!

Anonymous said...

Should've gone to O'Reilly's

I'm getting weary telling you!

Dierdre or Sandra would have been tripping over themselves to make you whatever you desired. Well maybe not Sandra but certainly Dierdre

A-holish bartenders are something I would have to mark SF down for though. It has more than it's fair share compared to other cities where I wet my whistle( Of course I exclude London from that list because you are lucky if they even choose to serve you there )

I find a lot of SF bartenders think they are too cool for skool. Which really irritates me no end

I had another dream about O'Reillys last night. Along the usual lines

Erin said...

I've never understood the aloof bartender schtick. I know if people tipped me cash money to smile when I give them things at work, I'd be grinning like a fucking Follies girl.

In nice SF bartender news, the old Chinese guy at Li Po poured the stiffest Knob on rocks in the world and then gave me almost a whole shot extra to finish off the bottle. Sweet!