Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Legal again, or another reason to love December

I chanced upon some of the lawschool blogs I read when I first started lawschool. This blog took a decided swing away from all that once it was clear that I would not have all that much law school stuff to blog about.

In a nod to my profession:
Remember, Remember, the fifth of December
The alcohol spigot was off.

I won't waste time recreating the Guy Fawke's day rhyme, but today was the day they repealed prohibition. I'm no alchy, but I am quite happy not to have grown up in an era where people were so falling down drunk on a daily basis that prohibition was necessary. I'm even more pleased to live in a time when alcohol is legal and generally destigmatized for women.

In fact, I think I'll celebrate with a little nip just now.

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