You are Fish 'Tacos.' You might think you're
exotic and worldly-wise, but in reality you're
just a bunch of crap on toast. Repeat after
me: 'just because you put something in
quotation marks doesn't make it so.' And
'taco' isn't Spanish for 'toast.'
What Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974 are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sadly, I think the Fish "Taco" was utterly appropriate.
Crime: perjury
Personality: arrogant and overblow
I think there was no other option.
Caucasion Shaslik huh? Looks like meat on a stick to me. But [geographygeek]you know that the Caucasus region (now comprised of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbijian) some times referred to as the Caucasus Mountains is actually a part of central asia [/geographygeek], right? Sounds like you got fine, Asian Man Meat on a stick in your possession.
Make of that info what you will.
I was the fluffy mackerel pudding.
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