Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rolley bag

Yesterday, on the ride home from school Mr. Spine (and his harem of supporting muscles) let me know in no uncertain terms that he was Fed. Up. I'd been ignorning his murmurings of dissatisfaction for several weeks. I used to routinely carry packs weighing forty pounds or more on rock climbing trips. My Backpacking Europe bag usually weighs around 20 pounds, I reasoned my school bag is but a measly 10. I'd even tried to assuage the discontent by seeing a massage therapist last week.
Mr. Spine was quite insistent and articulated his complaint point by point with jabbing pains from sacrum to floating ribs. "Something has to give," he said "and I don't think you want it to be me." The chorus line of back back muscles chimed in "not him, not him." Without warning, my feet joined the song like a pair of hoochie Fly Girls, crooning "fed, fed up" and "flat, flat feet."
Chastened, I considered the long term cost of Shady Back Syndrome (SBS) and compared it with current finances. While a hundred and fifty gazillion dollars seems like a lot right now, I know in the long run that it's a drop in the bucket compared to a hundred thousand, billion, gazillion dollars, which is what those with SBS seem to pay, and thus I hied myself off to Purveyor of Bags.
I put Tort Law and Alternatives, Pleading and Procedure, and John Dawson's thoughts on Contracts into a nice looking (ok, the only) bag they had and wheeled it around the store while I gawked at aisle after aisle of stuff. Since the bag didn't tip over, the handle didn't break off in my hand, and no exploding noises came from the pouch, I bought it. I am now the happy owner of a dark blue, padded rolley bag. I hope Mr. Spine is happy.


divine angst said...

See? Proof that the rolley bag is not a sign of the apocalypse. My husband insists that if I buy a rolley bag for law school he'll laugh at me every day. I say my back is more important than his respect.

-qir said...

My back was huring since day one, but now that it's colder, it got much much worse. If I had to do it over, I wish I could have just gotten the rolley bag to start with.

Anonymous said...

So you feeling overwhelmed yet? Especially now that the LRW weekend is right around the corner? Better read ahead by about 3 or 4 days to stay on top of things!

-qir said...

Overwhelmed? Not really. maybe I should feel that way, but for some reason, it's easier to stress about other kinds of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish I felt that calm about it.

-qir said...

My feeling is that either you've been paying attention in LWR class and you can write, in which case, there's no reason to worry, or you have slacked off and have a hard time stringing sentences together to begin with. Nothing you can do about that now, so either way, worry is not that productive.

Koret offers $40/hr massage maybe book an appt?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, I didn't mean overwhelmed about LRW. Just about having to do it all over one weekend. It puts me off of my schedule, that's all. I'm pretty sure I'll do well on the paper itself.