Thursday, October 14, 2004


Since tomorrow begins the big Legal Writing Take home exam of mammoth proportions, I thought I would get a jump start on it by cleaning the house. I see you shaking your head with puzzlement, wondering how house cleaning can possibly be considered the jump start on a take home exam.

See, I procrastinate. A lot. Have I started outlines yet? No. (lie, I have, but sort of, only barely). Have I done my reading for class tomorrow? No. (not a lie). Have I done lots of other study related stuff? No. I will eventually, just not now. I'll wait until I have something really important to do, like make the deadline for the scholarship application which appeared in my mail folder. Then I'll get to that other stuff.

Meanwhile, my laundry is clean and folded. My bathroom is clean and smells like bleach. There is yet more to do. I will also make brownies as a treat and possible meal substitute. The idea is that there should be no tempting yet meaningless task to distract me from the midterm at hand.

Yay! clean house and treats. Exam time good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting procrastination method you have there. I, too, am a compulsive progcrastinator (although I swear on all that is holy that I am mailing you a package TODAY, no lie). However, when I find myself faced with a bit of time before something Must Be Done, instead of cleaning, bleaching, and baking, I tend to do things like watch Gilmore Girls on the WB, go out for drinks with friends, or just sit around and mope about how much I have to do and how little time I have to do it in.

I like your method better, but I don't see it happening for me. In the meantime, wanna come procrastinate at my house? I have some laundry that needs folding!