Saturday, October 30, 2004

blowing off social events

[Note: blogger wouldn't let me publish this yesterday]

I have been blowing off social engagements left and right. Thursday night was a student org sponsored costume party in North Beach. I wanted to go. I napped (read: slept like the dead) instead. I had really wanted to go although I didn't really have any good ideas for a costume. The one I really wanted to wear, white wig, black robe, gauze wrapped around my throat is maybe a little too evil even for me.
I heard later that it was too crowded, people were too drunk, but you couldn't get a drink for the crowding, so I am glad that I didn't go. But I should go out some time and make some sort of effort to mix and mingle.

I am also blowing off tonight's party. Never mind that I was really looking forward to it, I just don't feel like going.

Bleah, color me sourpuss.

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