Saturday, September 25, 2004

more on food (I don't like)

QIR is something of a foodie, a food snob, and yet, I do not have stellar eating practices. I eat too much red meat, too many refined carbohydrates, and way too much fat derived from animal sources (butter). I am a steak and macaroni and cheese kind of girl (M&C is my all time favorite comfort food).

But I know that bad eating is bad for me, so I have returned from the store with food I do not crave. Assuredly, the polenta and the tomato sauce are just fine. Theoretically, the organic tomatoes will be good; sadly, the peach smelling peaches are not sweet. A peek inside my bags also reveals celery and baby carrots, ground turkey, and whole wheat linguine.

It's the ground turkey and the whole wheat linguine that pose the problem. I don't like turkey, but turkeys are higher maintenance birds than chickens and have to be raised in a better environment, their meat is better quality as well. I just don't particularly care for it. *sigh* I also don't like whole wheat anything as I whole heartedly believe that food that "tastes like nuts"* should be comprised of nuts, but I've been trying to make the switch to wheat bread and wheat pasta regardless. Bleah.

Given my druthers I would have bought London broil and chicken thighs, potatoes, cheese and cream. I would have bought Godiva Belgian chocolate ice cream, and macaroni and cheese.

The winner of tonight's dinner award is pan friend polenta with sauteed vegetables, tomato sauce and fresh herbs, that's healthy, right?

* Nutty flavor is a term I find to be entirely misleading. Slightly sweet perhaps, but whole grain goodness does not taste like nuts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I switched to the whole wheat pasta about a year ago and I kind of like it, but not with creamy sauces. Which is good, 'cause it keeps me from making creamy sauces. For our anniversary dietary splurge dinner, I made a tomato rosemary parmesan cream sauce (die!) and shot the wad with whitey penne. Add it to the triple creme brie and the subsequent restaurant dense chocolate tort and I almost died and went to simple comfort food heaven.

Then we drank cheap whiskey at the local and came home buzzed and bought tickets to the Pogues reunion shows in London. Mommas, don't let your babies make holiday plans whilst under the influence of refined starches, creams, and well liquor.