Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Apple to the core

New York was lovely. Lovely in the rain, lovely in the sunshine. Hurricane Ivan and I arrived in NYC at roughly the same time. He shook the aircraft for the last hour of approach and sprinkled rain on the runway.

How happy I was to see Mr. Death and Taxes waiting for me at 5:15 in the morning. It was happy reunion time on the subway trip into the city. There was a full on thunderstorm that morning as I was trying to recoup the rest of my night's sleep. -FLASH- ... ... *BAM* rain rain rain -FLASH- ... ... *BABAM* rain rain rain.

We subbed out to The Cloisters, an extention of the Met that I have always wanted to go see, yet never made the time for. It was fantastic. My undergrad experience landed me with a degree in Early Modern Europe (History). Early Modern Europe begins with the Middle Ages, the exact focus of the art at the Cloisters. It's so rewarding to examine the physical remains of the time period that I studied; I feel a more personal connection.

We had dinner with a few friends of mine, a couple whose marriage we celebrated this time last year, and my dearly beloved college roommate. It was slightly clusterific in that we had to eat at the bar, next time I will make the arrangements, but this time, having them taken care of for me was heaven. I don't often get to feel taken care of, and I will admit to liking to feel taken care of, so it was extra special.

Sunday was just me and D&T all day. We wandered, we lounged, we ate ice cream. Then I had to get back on the plane and come home. Wah! Wish I could have stayed longer, it was such fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Cloisters! I have happy memories of visiting with my uncle's girlfriend Andrea when I was a kid. Haven't made the trek since then, but maybe next time we have some serious NYC time we'll do it. JC still hasn't seen much beyond downtown Manhattan (and some Jersey and LI excursions).

This is making me excited about going to New York in December. Hey, if you and Mr. Death 'n' Taxes are looking for New Year's Day plans...