Monday, August 30, 2004

Jumping ship

It turns out that I left my job at Ye Olde Software Shack and Tyre Centre at just exactly the right moment. A day after I started, a new guy was brought in to revitalize the program. I found out today that my old boss has also quit. While I would wholeheartedly agree that she was a considerable part of the problems that we had, she was a good person and I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors. I am so happy to be out of a dead-beat position with no future, I hope the new guy is working out for my old coworkers. They're good people, they deserve some job satisfaction and happiness too.

As for me, one way or another, it's a good thing that I'm out of there. I'm so happy to be at school. A case we were working on this afternoon broke my brain. It was contradictory. It was modern. It addresses stuff that goes on in everyday life. It was hard as heck to understand some of the rationale in it, balancing one set of concerns against another. It's so interesting to read Appellate and Supreme Court opinions where the majority and the dissent are talking about such divergent substantive topics that you would be hard pressed to confirm that they were talking about the same case. This can also be confusing where the dissent goes off on some topic that the majority brought up, but in doing so, warps the topic so completely that really, their gripes about the majority opinion aren't really about the majority opinion at all, but some imagined construction of the majority opinion that only exsts for the dissent. Or that's how it reads to me at any rate.

I don't have a favorite or a least liked class yet. I do have a favorite teacher, and that's Legal Writing. One of my classmates correctly pigeonholed him as being just like Miracle Max from The Princess Bride. He is SO Miracle Max.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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